History of Springdale Yoga & Meditation Center
Experience the un-glaciated countryside of southwestern Wisconsin.
Springdale Yoga was constructed in the Summer of 2005. It was built onto a 100+++-year old farmhouse located between Verona and Mt Horeb off County Road PD. Students have been coming here since June 2003 when Margie began teaching yoga in her house –emptying her dining room.
Students say that just turning down the ¼ mile-long road to Springdale Yoga they begin to experience the yogic feelings of calm and peacefulness.
Students who live in the cities are delighted to stop and watch the flocks of wild turkeys and deer nibbling in the cornfields along the road—even bringing their cameras to stop and take pictures. Owls and hawks can be spotted in the trees too. One of the new neighbors has chickens that often are out and fun to stop and watch.
The farm road, Allen Drive can even be found on the State of Wisconsin highway map—it belongs to the Township of Springdale. Thus the namesake for the Center, Springdale Yoga. When you pull into the parking area you can spot the Welcome to Springdale Yoga sign outside the studio door. You can park along the road or in front of the garage.
Please note, the location is 2674 Allen Drive, in Verona (not Allen Blvd in Middleton). People new to the area still make this location mistake.